Es desenvolupa en aquest apartat una sèrie de paràmetres comparatius de les dades dels Països Bàltics amb els altres països de la EU.
Hem escollit aquells paràmetres que de forma conjunta pels tres països son importants o mostren un valor identitari o diferencial amb els de la resta de la UE.
1. PIB per capita
El producte interior brut per capita (en EPA, estàndard de poder adquisitiu) dels 3 Països Bàltics es situa molt agrupadament en la banda inferir dels països de la EU.
(Font: Web Eurostat, 4.2.2016)
2. Índex de preus al consum (harmonitzat)
El índex de preus al consum presenta una forta similitud en els 3 països i es situa en la banda alta del grup de països de la EU. En el gràfic adjunt es presenten les dades de juny del 2015. Prenent de base el 2005 amb un valor 100, Lituània es situa en un valor de 140, Estònia en 145 i Letònia en 150, només superat per Romania.
(Font: Web Eurostat,, 3.2.2016)
3. Índex d'atur
Els països bàltics es situen en una taxa d'atur intermèdia en relació amb el conjunt de la EU. En les dades de tancament del 2014, Letònia i Lituània es situen en el 10% i Estònia en un 7,5%.
(Font: Web Eurostat,, 7.2.2016)
4. Índex d'ocupació segons tipus de territori (ciutats, pobles i barris perifèrics, àrees rurals)
(Font: Web Eurostat,, 29.1.2016)
5. Grau de desenvolupament de R&D a les empreses del sector privat
El grau de desenvolupament de R&D en el sector privat es situa en la banda baixa dels valors de la EU. Les dades del 2013 per Letònia i Lituània estan en la cua dels 28 països, Estònia es destaca lleugerament amb un número mes positiu.
(Font: Web Eurostat,, 7.2.2016)
My name is Kat Roddy I'm from Colorado and lived her all my life. Since we are close to the
ResponEliminaRocky Mountains I like to hike. My ancestry is from Ireland and Italy.
My name is Jordan Butterfield I'm from San Jose, California. I'm interested in surfing and long
walks on the beach. My surname is from Nottinghamshire, England.
There are not huge populations of Baltic people in the United States. The ones that are here came
over before the USSR annexed the Baltic states. The people who were able to make it to the
United States came as political refugees however, many became trapped in their state unable to
leave because of the Soviet Union. These refugees attempted to conserve their culture by
creating programs for the youth born in America.
Baltic-American Freedom Foundation is a group that is designed to attract new Baltic
immigrants to the United States. The goal is to help Baltic people prepare for internships and
work visas in the United States. They specifically list out expectations for cultural differences
that will be observed when coming to the United States.
It is hard to find any iconography for the Baltics, however if you include Finland in the Baltic
states, you will find they are iconically known for producing great racing drivers. As heard on
Top Gear and throughout the racing world, "if you want to win, employ a Fin."
Hello, my name is Cristina Montoro and I'm from Barcelona. My granddparents have emigrated from Andalusia (south of Spain) to Catalunya in the 60s in order to progress and have access to a higher lifestyle. In all my family there haven't been any more migrations.
EliminaHello Kat and Jordan,
Eliminathanks for your personal comments and information about Baltic States that you posted.
My name is Pere Vinyals and I'm studying this matter under the program UPF Senior, a university program for people 60+ years old. I born in Barcelona in nineteen fifty one.
I'm been developing this program since 2011 covering about one subject every quarter, mainly in areas of geography, history and art.
I'm industrial engineer by the Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona. During my professional life I been working for various companies, local and global in the Information Technology (IT) sector, developing a wide range of responsibilities from basic technical job, related to application development at the beginning, until IT Management at the end. My main working location has been Barcelona, with some assignations in other Spanish cities (3 years in total).
In parallel I have been teaching classes in the UAB (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) during various terms for about 12 years in total, developing IT matters to ADE (Administration and Enterprise Management) students.
Currently I'm pre-retired.
My mother moved to Barcelona before to be married (arround 1940s) from a little village far 150 km. (Lleida). My father is a Barcelona native.
I'm married, my wife has just retired two months ago, and we have a daughter that she's working in a local company in Barcelona centre. During the university career she participated in the Erasmus program living 9 months in Bologna (Italy).
Related to migration I have 2 histories in my close family:
- My oncle Antoni Vinyals, father's brother, migrate to Mexico after the Spanish Civil War period. He passed the French border in 1938 before the last Franco attacks to Barcelona and after some months in the refugees centre in France Sud he took a ship to Mexico.
He spent all his live in Mexico, developing a professional life as business owner of a small shoes factory located in Mexico D.F.
He married with a mexican girl and they had 3 children. He liked to be integrated with mexican people and he built many friendship relations with families and friends and didn't like to be to much in contact with other migrants from Catalunya.
He travelled to Spain with his wife three or four times to visit the family and friends but never made plans to return.
He died in 2006 and nowadays we maintain a permanent contact with the family. I travelled to Mexico one time, and my cousins travelled to Spain a couple of times, also 2 nieces had been working in Barcelona for some period.
- A brother of my grandfather, Agustí Vinyals, born in Barcelona, moved to Chile (Sud-America) in the 1920s. He had been working as sculptor decorating front of buildings in Barcelona but after some problems with his boss and the tasks assigned, he decided to try to develop his know-how in America. At 19 years old he took a ship until Santiago de Chile.
He developed a very large and successful artistic and professional career in Chile. In the 1950s he moved to Argentina changing his professional job and becoming a business manager of Uralita company initiating the business in Sud-America (Uralita is a Spanish construction materials multinational enterprise, founded in 1907. Uralita produces insulation, gypsum, roofing and piping systems).
He lived in Buenos Aires and he had a new successful professional time-frame, but when the government of dictator Juan Domingo Perón took title of private companies (“nacionalizacion”), he lost all his proprieties and earnings.
ResponEliminaHe tried to re-initiate with a new business but many problems raised. Finally, he come back to Barcelona with his wife (they didn't have descendants) with a very little pension to survive, and both died in the 1980s.